Part 77: Update LXXIV - Featuring: Localization errors
Update LXXIV - Featuring: Localization errors
Music: Destructive Curse
We get a small break after... all that.
For a given definition of 'break.'
Oh, and there's a glowy sparkle on everyone's corpses.
System Message: An object shines on the ground amongst the shattered pieces...
System Message: It looks like he was trying to take something out of his pocket as he died...
System Message: Something lies on the ground next to his body...
So we take a moment to loot their bodies.
They aren't just key items either, these are all actual accessories! Each one has a rather useful effect. The Split Weapon Core has a 50% resist for Charm/Burn/Downer, same with the Damaged Pendant and Skill Seal/Paralysis/Confusion. The Bent Sword Guard gives +7 DEF/MDF and a 60% Death resist, and the Broken Knife Hilt gives the same defense with a 60% Null Action resist.

The time has finally come for you to wield it.

There is only need for one dragon hunter... We shall determine at last who is fit to lead humanity.
Music: Stops

In doing so, we shall determine who stands at the forefront of humanity.

You have come to understand the situation quite quickly, Yuma.

Naturally. I must collect the data of all living things in order to become the 7th True Dragon. That is the purpose of my existence.
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Both of you are so selfish... What's the point in killing all of those people...!?
Mio breaks out her ultimate weapon: the JRPG Hope Speech.

What a foolish question.

All living things seek evolution by instinct. In other words, they seek power. In this world, the strong survive, while the weak are filtered out. Weakness is not necessary.
Me at like 80% of this game.

When do you decide someone's weak? Is it when they're born? Is it when they lose to someone else? Who gets to decide!? Humans inherently have the ability to change! They can do it, with sheer willpower! The only reason we fought the dragons was to protect the people we love! It didn't have anything to do with ridiculous stuff like evolution! You destroyed this world... and you killed so many people... I'll never forgive you for that!

You have no right to continue living.
Turns out that going for the JRPG Hope Speech doesn't work that well when you're talking to a man who killed his boss just for being annoying.
Music: Stops


No... This... This can't be happening...!

Whether it be Unit 13 or Yuma... Either one is fine★ I will await you at Chidorigafuchi Park. Come once you have resolved this little issue of yours.
Chidorigafuchi is an actual park, located right next to the Imperial Palace.

And despite being willing to kill us 10 seconds ago, Yuma just... decides to leave.
You'll never guess where he's setting up shop.
Music: If these Hands could Reach

Th-There's still so much I need to talk to him about...!

Urgh... You were always so... selfish... my daughter...


You were always stubborn... ever since you were a baby... I wonder where you got that from... Ngh...

D-Don't strain yourself...

*sigh* Just... forget about me already...

Why would you say that...? Do you... not like me?

It's not that... I just... couldn't do anything... Neither for you, nor your mother...

You're wrong...! I remember it clearly! You used to read picture books with me every night... and give me big, warm hugs... I remember it all! I could never forget that... I love you...

Mio... You've grown so much... I... am unable to protect you, but... I am sure Unit 13... will free this world... from the dragon's curse...

Dad...! No... No! Please, no!

Promise me, Mio... Never let go... of the things you believe in... You must persist... until the end...

So, uh...
Shit is unfathomably fucked.
Now, the implication here is that the only reason Mio (and Yoritomo) hasn't died like all the others who were exposed to pink Dragonsbane is because of the anti-Dragon Sickness serum.
...But it looks like all that can do is buy her some time.

You guys are alive... I'm so glad...

Grandpa... D-Dad is...

Something happened to Yoritomo!? Tell me everything.


All life forms on this planet are dying out due to Dragon Sickness... *cough* *cough*

Grandpa...! Are you...

Of course. I am no exception... However, I finally understand the true nature of this disease... Dragon Sickness is more than just a filter... Rather, it forcefully drags humanity into dragonhood... Essentially, it is a stimulant for evolution... Even you have fallen under its influence. It brings death to those who can't handle the power of the dragons, while strengthening the strong... That explains how Unit 13 was able to grow at an abnormal rate and continue hunting the True Dragons. Unit 13 and Yuma are the only ones who fully adapted to the dragon powers... Any others most likely will not be able to handle it. That includes myself... and you as well, Mio.
Which is why Unit 13 can be up and about without so much as a sniffle: we're already on the cusp of becoming the 7th Dragon, so there's nothing more it can do to us.
Music: Stops
I'm not going to give up.

Opal... I won't give up, either.

Hehehe! I intend to struggle for as long as I can, too!
What should we do?

Opal... Grandpa, is there anything we can do?

There is one thing... Though it's something only Unit 13 can accomplish.

Would you guys be willing to help me?


If my hypothesis proves correct, there should be a way... but I must meet with Tomari first.

Mr. Julietta? *cough* *cough*

You should stay here, Mio... Your body will not be able to handle any more strain.

No... Let me come! Please!

...If that is truly what you wish, you may join us.

Music: If these Hands could Reach
This overrides the normal music for the rest of the... ever, really.
Even the backup teams changed their lines for this.
Now, we're pretty much on rails for the rest of the game.
Because the place is packed with pink Dragonsbane.
And everyone is dead.
I do mean everyone, by the way. The bartender at 7th Encount?
Dead. The guy in charge of Skylounge dates?.
Everyone in the cat cafe?
You better believe those cats are dead.
This is actually really annoying, because it means we can't use Fancy Cat Food to instantly refill EX on everyone. You have to take those two Mind Boosters and grind it out the old fashioned way.
Hell, if it wasn't for that computer Chika and Rika set up we wouldn't even have a shop.
Odds are Julietta got some serum back when he set up that meeting between Mio and Nagumo during the Intermission, but the game never confirms.


Hmph... The mastermind now feels regret? This was your plan, was it not?

But I had no idea that Allie was a True Dragon... Or that she was spreading Dragonsbane in order to create Dragon Sickness!

So what!? Your plan was to use dragon specimens to force the hand of human evolution! You're just as guilty as Allie for taking part in such an atrocious plot!

Why would you do such a thing?

It was so... we could change the world.
You've been deceiving us...?

Yeah, I was using you... I wouldn't blame you if you decided to hate me.

The Tomari I once knew thought more about the future of humanity than anyone else. What caused such great change within you?

Yes, I was like that in the past. I used to believe... my research would bring peace to the world. But that's no longer the case. I became disgusted with humanity and its foolishness. After the 2021 Dragon Calamity... ISDF was responsible for the restoration of the world... They undertook humanitarian aid, resolved disputes, you name it... I thought by joining them... I could become a hero. I thought I could save the world. But ISDF was only interested in saving the countries that would benefit them the most... The poorest, most ruined nations remained as such. ISDF completely neglected their needs. Furthermore... my dragon research, which was supposed to bring peace, was used as a weapon... They used it to create conflict between those poor, destroyed nations. The research I spent my entire life on to save people from the suffering of Dragon Sickness... They used it to kill! I will never forgive them for that!
Man it would have been nice if, like, any of this was really mentioned before. As it stands the only real issues we've had with the ISDF was with Yuma and the whole making artifical dragons thing.

And that's why you left the ISDF?

Exactly. Humans keep on repeating the tragedies of the past... We're so foolish...

But... is that a good reason to annihilate humanity!?

From that point, we could use Dragonsbane to spread that new data, and update humanity. There would be no more conflict, no more confusion... That is what I truly believed. I had no intention of making Unit 13 into the 7th True Dragon, or of annihilating humanity...
...holy shit Julietta's secretly been a Resident Evil bad guy all along.

Mr. Julietta... Do you still believe in that plan!?

I'm sorry, Unit 13. I didn't know... I never expected humans... to have such strong wills... Humanity can overcome despair at any time... Past, present, or future... Humans can change, and grow. The only fool who remained the same... was me. I have essentially spent the past years of my life researching a way to destroy humanity. I...

You idiot... You should've stopped when you realized your mistake.

*sob* *sob*
There's no time to cry.

What do you mean...?
We need your help.

You... need me?

What do you plan on doing at this point...? Allie... ND's Dragonsbane is spreading around the world at an insane rate. No matter how strong you are, there won't be anyone else left by the time you reach ND. It's too late...

Mr. Julietta... It's not too late. You just said it yourself! Humanity can overcome despair at any time! I'm not going to give up. I am going to prove the strength of humanity's willpower!

Mio... I see... I too must believe in the power of the human will...

Once we have the ND specimen... I should know every last detail about dragonkind... But why...?

Hm... ND plans on turning Unit 13 into the 7th True Dragon... But I won't let that happen. Your plan was to use those six specimens to defeat the 7th True Dragon, correct?

And if that goes well... we may even be able to rescue humanity in the process.

Fate...!? Professor Nagumo, do you intend on defying the laws of this universe!?

Hehehe! Does that really matter now? Unit 13... We'll need the ND specimen to make this plan work. Could you get it for us?


I'll be counting on you. We'll be making preparations until you return. Lend me a hand, Tomari!

Understood, Professor. Good luck out there... Unit 13.

Opal... I promised I would support you to the very end, right? My dad and my grandpa did everything they could to save my life... It might not last much longer, but I want to use the time I have to travel a path I believe in.


Give it all you've got, Mio.

I will. Thanks... Grandpa. Mr. Julietta... Where's Nagamimi?

That's... a good question. Maybe with ND? Or maybe just dead somewhere...

I see... That means I'm the only navigator. This is a really big responsibility... Don't worry. I can do it. ... Opal... How about you take care of the offense while I navigate? *giggle* That's what I said to you before our very first mission in 7th Encount... Do you remember...?
And these, in turn, are the exact responses we had way back then.
Sounds like fun!
Both give the same response.

*giggle* Mhm! I'll be the best navigator you've ever had. You'd better keep up! *cough* *cough* We should head over to the War Room and plan for our mission. Let's go, Opal!

You probably don't need me worrying about you, but... be careful out there, Unit 13.
These two will spend the rest of the chapter in here.
Also they're not even 10 feet from two different corpses.

Unit 13... ND said to go to Chidorigafuchi Park, right?


Well, right now Chidorigafuchi Park is surrounded by Dragonsbane miasma. You can't get through it. You'd be better off heading over to the Parliament Building in Chiyoda. I heard there's an underground passage there that's been around for a long time. You should be able to use it to get through to your destination.
This is a weird localization change, because what Mio's actually talking about is the National Diet. Just under a year later Persona 5, which was also published by Sega, would use the proper name.
And yes, I did say the Diet. The same Diet used as your home base in 2020-II.
We're hitting such unparalleled levels of asset reuse that they're turning not-dungeons into full dungeons.


Unit 13, the Parliament Building has undergone numerous dragon infestations in the past. Nobody has set foot in it since it was designated a special historical site 70 years ago... So, I have no idea what it's going to be like in there... Be careful.
Next time: It gets
worse darker.